Tyler preparing an ingredient for our "stone soup"
Heather (above) and Dalton (below) helping out
The soup is ready!
Everyone is enjoying the delicious meal. Yum!
"Yesterday I attended the stone soup dinner. The soup was good! I burned my tongue on the first spoonful, but after it was cooled it was very tasty. I was surprised by the amount of people that showed up and the speech at the end about us all being "ingredients" in this program was interesting as well. The cake was great too since black and red frosting dyed my tongue purple which made for some interesting selfies on the ride home! Overall I had fun and I would do this again."
- Austin, student with the BELL Program
Dalton enjoying the picnic with his peer mentor
Austin having fun with his peer mentor
"I went to the BELL Stone Soup picnic with my mom and dad last night. I met with my peers. I had delicious soup for dinner. I had fun at the BELL picnic."
- Tyler, student with the BELL Program
Heather and Mark share a smile
Mark here is setting tables and improving his skills
Kym and baby Arabella. Aww!
I had a great time! Thanks to all who could be there to make it so much fun. :) - kym